Wednesday, January 26, 2011

God's Temple

Today as I was sitting in line at my son's school, I was doing my bible study. I was lead to 1 Corintians 2. But after I read that, another verse caught my eye that I had underlined before, it was 1 Cor. 3 16-17. It states that my body is a temple of God  and the Holy Spirit dwells in it. That really made me think about my body and how I treat it. I really don't take care of it! I need to start taking care of my body because it is a temple for God. Just like we take care of the church and everything in it, we should do the same for our bodies. I know that it will be hard for me to change some of my bad habits but with God all things are possible. I want to give God all the glory and I know He will help me with this task at hand. So as of today, I am going to clean up the"temple" and start doing some repairs to make it a better dwelling place for the Holy Spirit.

God Bless

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Beginnings

Today is a new day for me. I am going to find out who I really am and what God really wants for my life. I have been saying for many years I want to lose weight and be thin like I use to be. However thats not what I really want, I want to be Jennifer again. I am a wife and a mother of 3, and I love that. But I have lost who I really am. I have forgotten what I really want out of life. I have always wanted to be married and have kids and I have that, but I still feel lost. I love the Lord with all my heart but I don't have a relationship with Him like I should, and I think that is what is missing. I just feel lost and I know that once I have a close relationship with Him I will be on the right path again. The first thing I need to do is give everything over to God, all my worries, fears and anything else that is getting in my way. However that is hard, but in Matthew Jesus says "Don't worry about tomorrow because tomorrow has enough problems of  its own". I need to learn to take it just one day at a time. God has me in the palm of His hands. God is my strength!! I have a list of things I am going to work on and I am going to trust God that He will help me accomplish everyone.

1. Closer relationship with God
2. Be a better wife and mother, sister, daughter and friend
3. Get healthy
4. Stop worrying about everything and give it to God

I pray that God helps me through this new journey and that I will become a happier person.

God Bless